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How did we know we were ready to start our family? Jeramie and I were married in the summer. The following spring I thought I was pregnant. I showed every sign except the positive pregnancy test. After waiting a week for blood test results the answer was indeed, not pregnant. Jeramie and I were both disappointed, I was in tears. That is how we knew we were ready. Shortly after we fostered a little girl, Justice. This also confirmed that we were ready to love a child of our own.
It took a year to conceive Asher and just when I was about to seek fertility help I got a positive pregnancy test. I didn't tell Jeramie at first. We went on a vacation to Puerta Verta, Mexico. I blamed my morning sickness on the water. As soon as we got back it was Father's Day were he was presented the happy news.
Of course boy or girl made no difference to us but we were thrilled to be told a little boy was on his way. We chose the name Asher from the bible. Asher was the smallest of the tribes that took over the promised land. The night Moses died God sent words to the tribes through him. When he got to the tribe of Asher he simply said, "you are a favorite son". The translation of Asher is "happiness" which is definitely what he brings us. His middle name is his great grandfather's.
He was a big baby 10.5 lbs and just shy of 24 inches long. My "monster baby." I said he was so big because God wanted to assure me he was healthy and I had nothing to worry about.
Asher was the sweetest baby and has been the sweetest toddler. Of course we are proud parents in all that he does and is learning. He was using sign language by 10 months and knows almost every animal in the zoo by its real name.
He is all boy in his romping around and investigating frogs. I love being the mother to a boy! It takes a special level of patients that I pray for everyday. Once you enter the mind of a little boy nothing in life compares. They are amazing little gifts and I thank God for every moment we share togther.