Asher Starts "School"

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I didn't cry...I don't know how, but I didn't. Asher started preschool. Can you believe?
He was very excited to start. He didn't understand why he couldn't stay at school on meet the teacher day. He was eager to get out the door on his first day. He goes Mondays and Tuesdays from 9am to 2:30pm. This allows me some alone time with Chapel and some time to get errands run and the house picked up. It also allows me to spend some time with my girlfriends. It seems to be working out well for everyone.
He has several friends attending the same school. Every time he sees one of his friends walking to or from class (almost daily) he MUST show them his "Pack Back". "Avah! Want to see my pack back?!" "Jack! Want to see my pack back" "Leelah! Want to see my pack back?!"...I guarantee EVERYONE has seen his back pack! At school he loves playing with dinosaurs. He also loves Movement class which is a music class where they get to move to the songs. I have noticed him singing and dancing more around the house now. He really likes Itsy Bitsy Spider. On one of his first days I asked him what he did that day. "I painted" he replied. "Oh really, what did you paint?" I asked. "A water buffalo." Only my son would not paint a cow, not even a buffalo but, a WATER BUFFALO!
Yes, that is Chapel in my marsupial pouch. One born and the other growing fast.