Chapel getting settled in

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Chapel is getting all settled in the James family. It was a little crazy at first since as soon as we got home we had to pack up and go to San Antonio to escape Hurricane Ike. She traveled great though and we were back home before too long.
Chapel is so sweet. Everyone says she looks like Jeramie and there is a picture of the 2 of them where I totally agree. All her dark hair must come from him too!
Asher has been very good with her. He is so gentle and sweet. He is also very understanding that she needs to be fed and requires a lot of sleep. One evening she was crying and I was holding her trying to settle her down. He was standing with me, watching when all of a sudden he says, "Mom, you need to change her diaper. That is why she is crying, she needs a diaper change." Well he was so cute trying to help that I decided to take his advice. Sure enough, she needed a diaper change. What big help he is to his mama.