Big Boy Bed

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In October Asher got his BIG BOY BED! I was finally ready. I thought it would be easier with the baby. I thought he could get out of bed in the mornings on his own and I could continue to take care of Chapel. I was right, it made mornings great.
Jeramie got the crib disassembled before I could get a last picture of Asher in it, of course I cried. The one time he was so efficent. Seeing Asher so excited about his new bed made things better. He was only nervous right before we turned out the lights for bed when he said in a very doubtful voice, "I won't fall out." We set a timer on his lamp to go off at the right time in the morning. He was not allowed out of bed until the light came on. This worked great, he would come downstairs saying, "My light came on!".
Now mornings are my favorite time of day with the kids. I get Chapel out of bed and bring her to our bed where I feed her, Asher gets out of bed and comes into our bed too. We turn on Disney, Asher eats his breakfast (yes, Jeramie has a lot of lucky charms in his bed), and all three of us play until the last minute when our day must begin. I wish our mornings would never end.


Jeff, Nicole, & Callie said...

How sweet!!! I can't believe Asher has his own "big boy" bed! I still see him as a little baby...goodness..he is getting so big!! Kisses and hugs!!!!!