I hope you dance

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So, I sit down with Asher's teacher at the end of his preschool year. Yes, we have progress reports for preschools! Asher has great marks and seems to be a typical 3 year old UNTIL...
"You know Mrs. James, Asher isn't like the other kids when it comes to music or dancing" says his teacher.
"What do you mean?" I ask fearing what he has been up to.
"He just doesn't care for it that much" she says politely.
"Yea, I have notice a lack of interest in singing and dancing...but he loves instruments so I just thought maybe it was his age." I'm really wondering why this is worthy of discussion.
"Well you see, he doesn't like it so much that when the class sits together in music class..."
"He hushes the other students."
I can say nothing.
"He puts his hand over thier mouth and tells them, 'No, please don't sing.'" She is fighting back her laughter now and I am relieved.
You see Asher loves Daddy's Texas music and "tractor songs" and he loves him some Rock and Roll. But this preschool stuff is a bit beneath him. I have never heard my son sing a single song! The only time I have ever seen him dance he was 1 and it was to Baby Got Back or My Humps or something!
Chapel on the other hand might be a Dancing Queen! Ever since she could sit up she would wiggle to commercial jingles! Singing to her in the rocker at bed time is most ineffective since she begins to grin from ear to ear and trys to sing with me! I can't wait to get that girl in a tutu!
Don't you love how all children are so different?