Little Bit a Chicken Fried

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So many people come in and out of your life...and back in again. Through Jeramie's job at Diamond, Patrick came into our lives.
He first met us about 3 years ago. Patrick was just one of us; he was always invited no matter what we were up to. He was a big kid, a big brother, and a best friend.
He spent many days and nights just hang'n with the fam in front of the TV or at the table. Over the past couple of years Patrick has been a playmate, a buddy, and a human jungle gym; he has entertained Asher and us for hours on end.
Most of all he was a great friend to Jeramie. I can only imagine the discussions they must of had in the driveway with cold ones in hand.
Diamond moved Patrick to Brazil. This will be a wonderful career opportunity but the time apart will leave us a bit empty.
He was the first friend to hold my brand new baby girl and I know she melted his big heart. I feel she will be deprived of his playful ways. Asher pretends to talk to him daily on the phone and says he was in attendance places that he clearly wasn't. Jeramie seems a little lost and I just plain miss him being around.

Time will fly. We'll see you again soon...Here's to being a little bit a chicken fried!