China 2010

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Before leaving for Brazil I had a wonderful oppertunity to travel with the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce to China. It was a crazy thing to do right before moving overseas but worth it in every way. It was also a nice way to spend a little one on one time with my parents which as we all know is a rare event in itself. I knew China would be loaded with people, I knew Chinese people ate Chinese food, I knew I would see more bikes than cars on the road, I knew I would see more polution...but I really had NO IDEA until I witnessed it myself. There are a lot of people in China, Chinese people eat Chinese food 3 times a day, there were more bikes than I have ever seen in my entire life on one street corner, the amount of construction waste and polution was saddening. Once out of Bejing and into Shanghi (and a couple of surrounding cities) I could finally see the sun through the smog, the farm lands, hills, and beautiful veggitation. Over all I thought China and her people were beautiful. It was a pleasure to see thier attention to detail when consernign fine arts and movement. The trip left me yearning for more. Enjoy the few pics I'm posting. You can see more on my Facebook page if you like.


Shelby said...


These pictures are fabulous! Did you take most of them? The scenery is pretty too! We miss you guys and can't wait to see Brazil pictures. Lots...please (;

Annette James said...

I took all of them except the ones I am in :) Thanks for the compliment!